Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Woah, Dude, Mr. Turtle Is My Father...

i just watched finding nemo, and no, i haven't been counting how many times that is now.
Crush is a great great character. i think so not cuz of the obvious reasons that the two of us talk similar, well that too, dude, but i think he's The singlemost major integral single contribution to Marlin's arc. (arguable, i know, challenge me if you wish.)
Crush is a great great character. i think so not cuz of the obvious reasons that the two of us talk similar, well that too, dude, but i think he's The singlemost major integral single contribution to Marlin's arc. (arguable, i know, challenge me if you wish.)

but mostly the way he is animated, facially, is why i think he's great. all his kinds of neck and eye movements just carry so much... wisdom. as they should, being a 150 yearold surf guru who makes the singlemost integral single contribution to Marlin's arc. Is there an element of wisdom in the way non-animated turtles look? probably. i
don't know, all non-animated turtles are a waste of my time...
but his facial expression and dialogue, not just dialect but all other kinds
of wordchoice, makes me think that he knows he's being soo damn wise and integral-to-character-arc. but, naturally, the first few billion times through watching it you might not say that. just that he was being himself,

eyes, man. he knows just exactly how wise and integral he is being to the Jellyman. when you've been cruisin the E.A.C. for 150 years, you reach a level of wisdom n junk soooo far beyond what you could possibly comprehend now, probably. i'll bet, that kind of surf-turtle-guru level of magic is Exactly how much magic it takes for me to see, or even think i saw, something like Wisdom in animated eyes

This is the worst possible photo of him they could have ever picked -to be the number one major promotional recognizable face-of-the-film google image result. it carries nothing of what this post is about. Obviously the doing of Pixar's rich booksmart soulless stepmother...
Fittingly, The Director of the film himself, Andrew Stanton, provided the voice acting. he also did wall-e, and some other stuff, but i'm not 1000% on top of the which-directors-did-what thing. once inside pixar, i consider them all one singular (x)-part director, cuz they always seem to be workin with some kinda co-director or several writers, and always small church of animators. they just strike me as a team force much more than a classroom.
well, most of them screenshots, even the good ones, did not do the whole thing justice what i was goin for. it must be in the movement of the drawings, but, well, keep it in mind the next time you watch it, i guess.
Life Lessons i Learned from Crush: the wisest of turtles are satisfied, and sometimes even prefer, being under-appreciated as not the wisest of turtles; merely the raddest.
I dare you to try and Tell me that that face doesn't realize how integral he is to The Jellyman's Character Arc. just try it.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
mrs. potatohead mrs. potatohead mrs. po- WOW! i gotta shave!

after years of half of a halfway thought out list that was filled with mistakes and hypocricies and intercontradictions, i've finally decided my one-thousand percent complete Pixar List.
well, not really... they're all ties in sets of 2's... you think this is disorganized you should of seen it before
1/2: Toy Story/Finding Nemo
3/4: Incredibles/Cars
5/6: Wall-E/Toy Story 2
7/8 Monsters Inc./Ratatoillie
9: Bugs Life.
i'm really really psyched for UP.
but i'm much much more psyched for the Toy Story 1&2 double feature two-fer-one Converted to 3D in theaters in october
Friday, April 3, 2009
lovecraft, guillermo, and i
Guillermo Del Toro is shooting H.P. Lovecraft's At The Mountains of Madness sometime mid-late twentyteens.
If you don't know the Cthulhu Mythos, it all involves creatures of literally unimaginable everything. They are made of a 5th form of matter, and they look like colors from an unknown spectrum. Also, they're city, R'leyh, is constructed with Non-Euclidean Geometry.. ..
Guillermo has said on some internet i've read that he's already got artists and i'd imagine geometrists working on the creatures and the city.
its gonna be the greatest lovecraft adaption in the history of lovecraft
probably the greatest horror film, scifi film, fantasy film, and any combination of the 3 in the history of film.
you should read lovecraft.
Anyway, i was thinkin. . . just musin, in general. .
I think my dream job would be to score that emmeffer.
think about it, Guillermo, as usual, knows exactly how to get the art department to be cash money and perfect every time. In weird fiction films, The Art Department is the most underrated department, and when the directors don't realize this it shows, but thats why Guillermo, in spirit with his ilk of yesteryear most particularly romero and carpenter, is the effin man.
I just hope he's that way with scoring.
if basil poleduris (guy who scored conan the barbarian, red dawn, robocop, starship troopers) was a huge lovecraft fan and didn't die in 2005, he would be the man.
if The Cthulhu Mythos are based on light and colors of an unknown spectrum and non-euclidean architecture and a 5th form of matter, wouldn't the sound have to be of an unknown spectrum? non-euclidean music? a sound the dictionary definitions of neither 'music' nor 'dissonance' can do justice?
on Avatar, another film that isn't out yet that i believe i've referenced in an older post, James horner (he scored titanic and aliens and a bunch of others) is declining all other offers for a long time. AN ENTIRE YEAR working on nothing but this film. he is literally calling in ethnomusicologists, experts on music/culture and culture/music, to develop an entire musicculture/culturemusic for this alien species.
THAT is the bare minimum amount of time dedication hardwork and inspirado for someone to score Guillermo Del Toro's At The Mountains of Madness.
if i were guillermo del toro, i'd say to my scorer "alright, give me sound from an unknown spectrum. give me non-euclidean music. give me tones that the known world have not yet discovered because they traveled through space so long ago and so far that they practically classified as 'dimensional travel', but most schools of though say it was just space travel. give me a sound neither "musical" or "dissonant". use instruments that don't exist, tones that literally no one has heard before. play an H#+˚ in a phrygian dominant major."
and the scorer will look at him and say "uh, alright, yeah" but in his mind/under his breath go 'you freakin weirdo' and give 'im some by-the-book junk, interpreting/oversimplifying all these principles of the cthulhu mythos as 'well, i'll just go with the diminished scale' because he can't, or won't bother, think outside the box. (The diminished scale is a widely exploited alternative to thinking outside the box. in my experiences with thrash music and riff-mongrels)
They'll probably call in elfman or zimmer or somebody and they will most likely tear it up, but they will be doing just another project, just another gig. . .
**disclaimer: danny elfman and hans zimmer are bad to the bone. i aint trashin on them. just clarifying.**
HEY GUILLERMO, if they get internet in new zealand, and you stumble upon this, i really really hope you've already thought through all of this and you're reading stuff you already know. but dude, call me up, i'll drop everything and work from now till the film actually gets made, and then work some more and do this. i picked up your call of cthulhu reference in hellboy (well, who didn't) and i want you to know that i picked up your mountains of madness reference in hellboy II. comeon man, i'll do it! :) . . .
i guess.. .
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